Inspiration Outside the Mainstream: Willy Iffland's Unique Streetwear
Inspiration Outside the Mainstream: Willy Iffland's Unique Streetwear Looks

Inspiration Outside the Mainstream: Willy Iffland's Unique Streetwear Looks

If you are looking for extraordinary fashion ideas, you should definitely get to know Willy Iffland. Not only is he an inspiring fashion enthusiast, he is also the founder of his own brand called "Prozess" and a streetwear genius. His sneaker looks are legendary and have secured him a place among the top influencers. If you're looking for inspiration and want to take your wardrobe outside the box, @willy is the one for you! We were allowed to ask the fashionista from Leipzig a few questions and thus get to know him better.

Hi Willy, please introduce yourself to our readers and give us a little insight into your life.
I'm Willy, 33 years old, content creator, agency head and, most recently, clothing brand owner from Leipzig. Everything in my life revolves around the internet, at least professionally, but in my private life I try to be on my mobile phone less and less.

How important is contact and exchange with your social media followers and how do you deal with their feedback?
Very important. Unfortunately, it has fallen asleep a bit over the years. My commitment is unfortunately no longer what it used to be, which certainly has something to do with the fact that I'm getting older and that for many young people I'm no longer in tune with the zeitgeist of what's hot at the moment. But when feedback comes in, whether positive or negative, I'm always at the starting line and happy about it.

Which media do you read every day? Which are the most important sources of information for you?
I read Hypebeast every day - it's still my number one source for all relevant topics - and for news I read Spiegel. Otherwise, I look at my fixed pages for all things that touch the world. 🙂

Which brands are most important to you today and what makes them stand out?
I am no longer as brand-fixated as I was 2-3 years ago. Of course, a good brand is important to me in terms of quality and message, but at the moment I am concentrating on my own brand "Process" the most. Apart from that, I currently like to wear Acne, Levi's, Jacquemus and many more.

Your photos show you in the hottest clothes and the latest sneakers. Does fashion play a very important role for you or can you be seen on the street without a Dior sweatshirt and LOUIS VUITTON sneakers?
Fashion is my life, sneakers are my life - that's what made me who I am today and how I get to live - an absolute privilege - so the topic will always have a special place in my heart. Privately, I walk around in 9/10 the same way I do on Instagram, maybe a little quieter here and there, but otherwise it works out the same.

Your blog "Dressed Like Machines" is very well known. Can you tell us how you got into it and what the philosophy behind it is?
At the time, I was looking for a purpose, for something fun to do and something that would let me break out of my "pre-drawn" life. That's why I started the blog, which in retrospect was the best thing I could have done. Because it opened many doors in life for me that would have otherwise always remained closed. Today it's just a playground, because it's no longer monetarily relevant for most customers and I can't spend the resources to stay on the ball.

You also run a successful marketing agency. How do you manage to balance work and free time?
Work-life balance is an important issue. On paper I have a lot to do, in real life too, of course - but what you must never forget is that behind all the projects I'm involved in there are people who do such a good job every day that it makes it easy for me. "Pitch This" ... has been a life project and a big life goal of mine, so I'm incredibly happy that we now have over 20 people in the agency in just under three years and that we're doing well.

Well-known companies have already approached you to work with you, but who were you looking forward to the most? What criteria are important to you when you want to work with a partner?
There is no one partner that I look up to. For me, for example, the collaboration with Samsung has been the most consistent and best for years. I'm allowed to give free rein to my creativity, I'm allowed to try out great products and let my hair down. Longevity, free development and transparency are the things that are most important to me.

What are the next steps for Willy Iffland? What projects will you be working on next?
As always, here comes the claim: Stay tuned, I don't want to give too much away yet 🙂

Finally, do you have anything you would like to share with our readers?
Social media is great, in this day and age social media offers many people out there great perspectives and opportunities to develop. But SM is also dangerous and you should never rest on the fact that you have a lot of followers in life, because that will also end at some point - it's best to try to find something that you enjoy and that you can do professionally later on, apart from being online. 

It was a pleasure to get to know you better. Thank you for the inspiring interview and I keep my fingers crossed for all your upcoming projects.
Thank you for your time, I look forward to seeing you at Prozess or Pitch This.! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time.

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